Principal Finder PDF
Totally Customizable!
In a typical work day, principals and school administrators can easily put in over 10,000 steps on our school's campus. This can make the principal someone who is hard to track down at times. Consider, too, those times when you are in your office ~ but are not available while on a phone call, in a meeting, or working on a time-sensitive project.
I like to use a Principal Finder to communicate with my teammates about where I am and what I'm up to. This is a simple leadership tool to honor their time and help with transparency. Add a magnet or clothes pin, showing where you are at any moment.
Try this fun tip from principal Annette, who downloaded and uses this in her office. She says that each month, she uses a different bitmoji of herself and moves it around the Finder ~ cute and fun!
I created this simple Principal Finder PDF and am sharing it with you today.
Here's how I made it, and how you can make your own (if you'd like to edit my version):